Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Orang Asli community in Malaysia is a small community and they are native community in this country. The Orang Asli community was officially divided into three groups. The largest is Negrito, Melayu Asli and Senoi. Senoi and Negrito tribe and were classified into six small tribes. Melayu Asli tribe divided into seven small tribes. Since there are various ethnic groups among the Orang Asli, then there are many differences in the way of living, speaking and the language used. Culture and customs are also different and has its own uniqueness. Many Aboriginal people married when still young age. For men, age 18 years is the most appropriate age for getting married. When women were aged 16 years and shall be not more than age men. Marriage is done by parent prospective bride, the ceremony began from merisik until a person has become legally married couple. There are also among the Orang Asli who were engaged at an early age. Normally, men and women have relationships such as brother or cousin or second cousin has the same ethnic groups. It is not an offense if the prospective groom to marry a woman from another tribe. But the wife must enter the husband's ethnic groups.

Hantar Tanda: Hantar Tanda or send a ring headed by a deputy village chief to set the day woo After it was done sending the ring. Usually send the ring is done by parents and older family members.

Propose: On the fixed date the both sides, represented by the Tok Batin / Porridge / Penghuhu / Jungkerah and Penggawa if different ethnic groups. They held discussions in a large house or hall. When the ceremony finished propose a date to set up the day of married about seven months, eight months or a year from the propose ceremony.

Marriage Ceremony: The ceremony was initiated by sharpening the teeth of both bride and groom to remove misfortunate. This is important so that all the problems faced during single and after the marriage is not faced. There is also a state sharpening teeth is to prove the maturity of the couple and they can responsible to their responsibilities. Bridal couple is required to perform the Berinai ceremony. Fingers of both bride and groom will cover with crush henna leaves. Berinai ceremony usually held until the next morning. At the same time dancing till the morning dance will be held. Bridal dais made of palm leaves or braid of rumbia leave, while the pillars are made of wood designed like a small house. This dais is made in front of bridal couple home. If ethnic groups live in the long house, the ceremony will held in the middle of the long house to be viewed by other family members. On the marriage ceremony, all family members will powdery bridal couple by sprinkle with rose water and glutinous rice as allow the marriage. Usually they usually wearing traditional wedding dress according to their own. Bride will be decorated with various hand made accessories. Accessories worn by the bride is a bracelet, a necklace made from beads of a variety of colors. Then head circumference were made from leaves to beautify the couple. On the day persandingan, various delicious food provided by both representatives. Food was then distributed to all guests to eat together during ceremony. After that, the ceremony ended by bathing the couple as the sign they already be husband and wife.

After Marriage: Usually the bride will live in groom’s house for a few days before they returning back to bride’s home to stay for few days. This is important so that the bridal couple will quickly friendly with their new family.

orang asli wedding ceremony


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