For this project, we're decided to choose MARRIAGE as our scope research...Emm why we chosed this title???

...Let's share some facts here...
Wedding : The act or ceremony of marrying; marriage; nuptials.
Marriage : The social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
All wedding are different of course, but nevertheless they also have many things in common. Besides studying on the wedding ceremony and customs, we also note down some of the important wedding taboos on all ethnic wedding ceremonies. Next, let's see what is the objective of our study?
To understand, learn and have better understanding on the wedding history, ceremonies, customs and taboos on various ethnics in Malaysia (Malay, Chinese and Indian).
Every ethnic has their own unique in having their wedding ceremony. All the customs followed in the wedding ceremony was a great and valuable heritage and it should be passed down from generation to generation. The detailed of the wedding ceremony of each ethnic will be discussed below.
Here, we will expose one by one of this unique customs that are still practice by Malay's people nowadays....
To know what are 'Peminangan' we continue it for next post.....see you!!
Indian Wedding
After discussing about both Malay and Chinese wedding, for sure Indian wedding is the next topic. All can guess, right. Hopefully, you all can enjoy the reading..
Indian community is the third largest ethnic group in
Indian weddings are very bright events, filled with ritual and celebration that continue for several days. They are not small affairs, often with 400-1000 people attending (many of whom are unknown to the bride and groom). Though most marriages are arranged, some couples in urban areas have love marriages. The true Indian wedding is about two families getting wedded socially with much less emphasis on the individuals involved.
Before the wedding day:
Bariksha (Var-iksha probably) is when the bride's parents have informally shown intentions that they want a particular groom, and the groom and his family have agreed. In this stage, several aspects need to be considered factors such as ethnicity, sub-ethnic, caste and religion. In addition, other factors such as economic status and social status include aspects such as age, education level, type of work, ethics and morality, looks and family background is also important. Often the information was obtained directly from the parties involved and also indirectly through friends and relatives. Sometimes the middle called tirumana taragaakan assist in this stage. Retracting at the end of this stage is frowned upon but is acceptable.
Visit to the Bridal House
Traditional custom is done after Bariksha done. Groom will visit the bride to his see future wife. Only a nominal number of members of the groom's family are present (usually only very close relatives, often in tens of numbers.
To celebrate this ceremony, the grooms family will brings the coconut, sirih, pinang, cendana, fruits, sounds and Kumkum powder. All the gifts are assuming as a sign of their arrival on the good faith and to further strengthen family relationships. The women will receive gifts, if agreed. If not, they only treat those who come as guests and can not take the gifts.
To Match the Bridal
This traditional will conducted first. It’s called Thairumanam Poruttam Paartal. In Hinduism there is no concept of divorce. There are 21 aspects to be taken in order to determine the suitability of a bridal couples in the way of tilikan dimanak Hindu. The others traditional which still practiced by the Hindu community are Tina poruttam / Natcattira poruttam, Kana poruttam, Mahentira poruttam, Pentiikka poruttam, Yooni poruttam, Raasi poruttam, Raasiyaati paati poruttam, Vaiya poruttam, Racau poruttam and Veetai poruttam.
Bind Promise
Bind promise or niccayam made after the approval of both bridal families. Representative men will go to the bride house in the total number of odd and brings the coconut, betel, pinang, flowers, fruits, cendana and Kumkum to be given to women representatives.
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