For this project, we're decided to choose MARRIAGE as our scope research...Emm why we chosed this title???
Saturday, April 10, 2010
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For this project, we're decided to choose MARRIAGE as our scope research...Emm why we chosed this title???
Friday, April 9, 2010

Our study is mainly on Malay, Chinese and Indian only as it represents the largest ethnic groups in Malaysia. Our main interest is on the wedding ceremony and customs on all the three main races in Malaysia. Besides, we also discussed a little on Orang Asli, Ethnic Sabah and Ethnic Sarawak wedding ceremony. We think that wedding is a beautiful event, attended by many guests, family members and friends. It is also an event that can strengthen up relationship of the family members. Before we discuss further on our study, let us see the some important word glossary we often use in our study.
Wedding : The act or ceremony of marrying; marriage; nuptials.
Marriage : The social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
All wedding are different of course, but nevertheless they also have many things in common. Besides studying on the wedding ceremony and customs, we also note down some of the important wedding taboos on all ethnic wedding ceremonies. Next, let's see what is the objective of our study?
To understand, learn and have better understanding on the wedding history, ceremonies, customs and taboos on various ethnics in Malaysia (Malay, Chinese and Indian).
Every ethnic has their own unique in having their wedding ceremony. All the customs followed in the wedding ceremony was a great and valuable heritage and it should be passed down from generation to generation. The detailed of the wedding ceremony of each ethnic will be discussed below.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
- Merisik (Visit and Observe)
- Meminang (Propose)
- Bertunang (Engagement)
- Adat Berinai (Wearing Henna)
- Wedding Ceremony
Here, we will expose one by one of this unique customs that are still practice by Malay's people nowadays....
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
MALAY WEDDING:Merisik (Visit and Observe)
This custom also call 'Meninjau' or 'Menengok' means observe or see. Its aimis to ensure that the girl is still single. This is important because in Islam, Muslim are not allowed to propose other's people fiancee. Therefore, it also can help the men to look foward with his future wife background which are related with domestic skill, culture, character, personality and importantly the similar belief in Islam. Commonly, this custom is done by his relatives like mother or uncle.
- That woman is not someone's fiancee.
- That woman is not someone's wife.
- That woman is not in 'iddah'.
- That woman is not a person who 'haram' to marry for certain time, such as have the blood relation with wife or women who 'haram' to marry forever like her 'mahram'.
To know what are 'Peminangan' we continue it for next post.....see you!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
MALAY WEDDING: Meminang (Propose)
Monday, April 5, 2010
MALAY WEDDING: Bertunang (Engagement)

Saturday, April 3, 2010
MALAY WEDDING: Adat Berinai (Wearing Henna)

Berinai Curi: held tree night before the wedding day with the nearest relatives only.
Berinai Kecil: held two night before the wedding day with relatives, neighbors and friends.
Berinai Besar: held the night before or after a wedding day for the special guest from the bride or groom invitation.
After the ceremony of 'Berinai' done, groom will not be spent at bride home, but will return to his home or if these groups come from far, the groom will spend the night at 'Penanggak' house, which mean houses close to the bride's house.
Friday, April 2, 2010
MALAY WEDDING: Wedding Ceremony
Wedding day is also known as 'Hari Langsung' or 'Hari Bersanding'. it is a ceremonial marriage and peak day for the bride and bridegroom call 'Raja Sehari'.
On that day, the council held with the royally attended by relatives, neighbors and friends. Both groom and bride will wear the wedding clothes, usually 'Songket' and beautifully decorated with glitter also.
Bride will be beautify by 'Mak Andam' before the 'Persandingan' ceremony began. For 'Mak Andam', traditional bridal makeup preceded by a spell curse to bring out the face glow of bridal and the bride is fed with 'Sireh' to remove the sense of nervous. There is also a bridal shaven eyebrows and cut the face hair to look more attractive.
Tradition seeks to sharpen the teeth is also done to beautify the teeth. But this tradition is no longer practiced by the Malay community today.
Next, the eating together event that is called 'Makan Beradab' or 'Makan Berdamai' conducts. Council was only attended by immediate family members of both parties. after the ceremony is over, both bride and groom will be shaking hands with parents, relatives and spectators who came.
In some places, two or three days after the wedding, the bridal couple will undergo ritual bath or 'Mandi Berlimau' or 'Mandi Sampat'. The ceremony is conducted as a symbol of that couple was safely together as a husbans and wife is valid. In this ceremony, the bride will be shower with 'Mayang Pinang', 'Air Kelapa' or 'Air Limau'. This custom made among immediate family members only.
A week after that, a custom 'Menyambut Manantu' to celebrate daughter in law will be held. In some places it is called 'Majlis Bertandang'. wedding will be held at groom home, but it is not delightful like the wedding ceremony in the bride house, it just simple. There is also some Malay people run it by only doing the prayer 'Majlis Doa Selamat' attend by relatives and neighbors without ceremony called 'Persandingan'.
After a few days at groom house, husband-wife will be taken to visit the family houses and relatives. The aim is to closer the relationship ties and in addition, both of them can get to know with the families of both parties.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
From the perspectives of Traditional Chinese community, the person who having primitive lives and does not have the attention to get married is actually having their life like the other animals and the family relationship conception is not exist in their lives!!! This is a really straightforward statement but it actually facts. So, it shows how significant marriage comes into the picture for Chinese community.
According to Confucianism in mission of civilization, they have their definition in terms to define the human interaction such as father or husband and also to teach human to respect of this interaction. Chinese Wedding has becomes the common custom within 402 - 221 BC. Before modernization world, the girl is not allowed to choose their soul mate instead; her family will decide it for her. The marriage occurs just to fulfill the requirement for breeding and ensure the good family name in ‘all right reserved’ as well as for fathers and husbands’ requirement. Although the Chinese has their own old folk history but there has six ritual events which in general known as ‘3 aksara and 6 etiquette’, (Propose, Birthday Comparison, Engagement Gift, Wedding Gift Delivery, Election Marriage Day and Wedding Ceremony)

( illustration picture only..*_*..)
There also have several types of marriage according to Chinese community; there are sibling's marriage, klan's marriage, Antitesis marriage and Perennial System marriage. Let's check it out all those things^_^...
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